The idea of the concert is fabulous. Elementary school students from throughout the state get the chance to perform in a prestigious concert hall in the state’s capital. Money raised by the concert goes to a children’s museum.
The setting is spectacular. Abravanael Hall is a beautiful building of glass and brass with impressive views of downtown Salt Lake City, including historic Temple Square. But parking is problematic, the hall crowded and with twelve groups of children singing two songs each, the performances are interminable.

DS-11s school was the fourth to perform, so my husband and DS-7 endured the concert through L’s chance to shine, and then left the concert hall to wander around Temple Square.
As the concert was winding down I left the hall, called DH and wandered around taking photographs of the building and the view before the lobby filled up with children, teacher, parents and noise.
This actually worked out fairly well. DS-7 was thrilled because of all the fountains and reflecting pools at Temple Square. But the most exciting thing, according to him, was the ducks bobbing around in one of the fountains.
DS-11 was excited because in his (unbiased?) opinion, his chorus had performed better than anyone else at the concert.

We stopped to get something to eat on the way home in a somewhat unsavory neighborhood, and by the time we arrived home it was after 10 p.m. ~ our children usually go to bed by 9 a.m. so they just went to bed without argument. The arguments came in the morning when I tried to get the 11-year-old out of bed. Alas, he takes after me, mornings are not his friend.

Okay, this is odd. I can't get the photos of my son's performance to download. I'll try again later I guess.
Great photo's!!!!!
Beautiful pictures! I love the one with the reflection of the temple!
Cool pic of the temple and of A. . Rose Park Is truely spooky. Why do they have the state fair there?
I love the fountain pictures. I also would have merely endured the concert. Large crowds are NOT my thing.
It must run in the family. I really loath large crowds. That is why Amwricas Freedom Festival held here in Provo is a nightmare for me. We have huge crowds and, unfortunatly for me, there is no escaptbg them, because staying home in my home is no refuge. The crowd comes to me. I sit smack dab in the middle of the area where the balloon fest, fireworks, and parade crowds are. It is more like Americas Nonfreedom Caose Riot to me! Nice photos.
Beautiful Job on the photos!
Keep it up!
Rox -
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