Bathrooms, check.
A's bedroom which doubles as a guest room, check.
Kitchen. Oh no! I still need to mop the floor, hang the laundry and put away the mess that is my scraproom.
Plus I have a story to write for tomorrow.
It's going to be okay.
Your not the only on effected my this turn of events. My parents are driving grandma to your house and are then spending the night in Logan. They may not even see my apartment but that didn't stop me from cleaning into the wee hours last night. Just remember she just wants to see you not your house!
I hope you have a great visit.
Oh! Karen I'm sorry we didn't even get to see all the clenliness! And I was grouchy to boot! Poor girl.
Sageheb, it was OK your house is cute and I love all the scrapping stuff. I do, however, get more and more reluctant to go anywhere anytime. I just hate traveling, and especially driving. Gordon, sis a lot of driving in the past two days, fortunately he has not mentioned any bad effects from it. I live in fear that he will do some seemingly normal little thing and POP his eye will fill up with blood again. When I'm not worried about that I forget that he shouldn't exert himself and get upset about things he hasn't done that he used to do.
I quit taking my antidepressent because it costs too much. It is so frustrating to realize that you are a screeming termagent unless you are heavily medicated. What on earth did the pioneers do? Maybe they just lived with screeming termagents. Poor Brigham there must have been at least 2 or 3 ST's among the bevy.
I am quite sure Brigham had a houseful of ST's.
How are you surviving without your little happy pil? I still faithful pop one half of a pill every day. (Maybe I'll just pop a full pill for a day or two )
I wonder why all of her daughter's are drugged???
I pop the happy pill too. I am really grateful for it. It keeps me functioning. I have had depression for at least 40 years. I finally feel that there is hope that I might live a normal life for a change. I wouldn't be without it. I know how you wyo sis feel about traveling, I abhore it and I do not like driving much better, especially for long distances. My DH doern't drive at all so I am a taxi service too. I have to leave work and take sick or vacation time every time he needs a Dr. (which he has needed alot lately} or some other errand. I think we will all soon be suffering from M.M.I.D.M.C.!
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