Don’t look now, but things are good at this moment.
I have the information for three stories yet to be written.
I have a lovely stack of photos waiting to be scrapped.
True, my children are threatening to kill each other. But, they want to watch “MythBusters” the old West tonight at 7 p.m. ~ so if they scream, slap, kick or otherwise abuse each other I have ammo to hold over their head. The penalty of bad behavior is they either miss MythBusters or they have to pick up 10 items off the floor. The house could use a good cleaning. I’m confident my restless one-day-away-from-school-vacation sons will be in a position to earn a lot of brownie points.
I've been thinking about the whole process of writing / scrapping. It has ups and downs. When it comes to writing I find the process of collecting information ~ ie calling people and begging them to talk to me ~ is a huge challenge. Once the initial interview has been either set up or accomplished, the rest is just good fun.
I have a better time with scrapping taking photos, but still, it’s a means to the end, the joy of putting the story together on paper. So my happy stack of newly-developed photos gives me all kinds of inspiration.

But I did get two pages put together over the last few days. I used the same paper family for both of them, but the Sugar and Spice page used a photo I lifted from my nieces blog, and the Pioneer Roots photo has been in my photo fills since July.
I never know when inspiration will hit.
Did I mention DH is home tonight, we don’t have anything baseball related planned and DS-As usual Thursday baseball game is a bye tomorrow. I am almost giddy with excitement.