I went outside and caught a quick shot of the lilics blooming in the front of our house. This is the first year we have managed to get any blooms from the plants. I love lilics, they smell wonderful (kind of wish I had my sense of smell back again) and they are so pretty. What's more they remind me of home.
I love lilac. I love how it smells. I think I'll have to find a bush to steal some from right this very second!
Me too. The smell of Lilacs sends me to the ranch and even heaven must smell like them. I have a cologne I had mixed for me with the scent of Lilacs and Roses. Only thing they don"t bloom until June at the Ranch.
Mom, if your reading this... I miss you on my little corner of the blogsphere. Please try commenting again. It's really not that hard!
Dear daughter of Wyo sis. I can't comment, it won't let me. I can barely read it. there are no pictures except the first one of the misty river and I have to try to decipher the post in a kind of alphabet soup and what looks like cartoon swear words. Then when I think I am getting somewhere it starts over again. I think I read that you have a new camera that you got on Ebay.
To Sagehen I love love love lilacs. But I am a bit of a snob. I only Love love love the darkest purple ones. The pale ones in my yard do nothing for me.
Beautiful picture! I love lilacs
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