A Fond Farewell & Loving Tribute.
Alleen (aka the Sage Hen) was taken from us on August 3, 2007. She was suddenly stricken with a broken blood vessel in her brain which quickly took her life. She felt very little pain and she went quickly.
I am going to miss my sweet wife, helpmate, confidant, and mother of my children. Alleen had a sense of humor that was witty and to some, hard to get. She would come home from teaching a Relief Society lesson and tell me how it had gone, and then she would tell me of one of her statements or jokes that she had told, then she would laugh as she described the look of the women’s faces as they tried to tell if she was joking or not, but the ones who knew her were trying to contain their laughter. I remember at my 20th high school reunion, one of my classmates was saying goodbye as we were leaving he said “It was nice to see you”, and Alleen said without missing a beat “It’s nice to be seen”. The classmate who was a lawyer just stared at us not knowing how to respond to her comment.
Alleen loved her family. She loved going to Star Valley to visit the Bowling’s and the Sorenson’s and her mom of course. She loved to get together with the Stott’s and she regretted not seeing the Draper’s as much as she wanted to. She loved her dad Alf, She would tell me about going on road trips to Idaho Falls or other places and how she would stay awake to talk to her dad so he wouldn’t get lonely while the others were asleep. Alleen always had her camera with her to take pictures of the kids, nieces and nephews. Holland and Ashlee were some of her favorite targets because of the closeness of the two with Logan. She loved to take pictures of raindrops on roses, the cat attacking the toilet paper roll, the sunset, the lone bush, rock, tree, or critter just sitting out by itself in a field. Her favorite subjects were Logan and Adam, Katie then Ginger (our cats).
Alleen loved being a reporter and writer. She was known for her non-biased opinions and reporting style for the paper. She hated being on the school beat because it made her feel very uncomfortable dealing with my employer and bosses. They really liked her, when I told one of the directors that they had replaced her with another reporter he said “Why I like her and I know that she was going to be fair and not try to create trouble.” She took her journalistic ethics very seriously and was never shy about letting me know when she saw another reporter abuse the ethics that she so deeply believed in.
Most people never saw the sensitive side of her; she took her duties of motherhood very seriously. When Alleen had just given birth prematurely (due to incompetent cervix) to our second son Duncan, and as the doctors and nurses were taking care of her, she held our little boy as his life was slowly passing from him she was sobbing an apology to him for not being able to protect him, and for letting him down by not carrying him to term. The nurse thought that she was apologizing to them for crying, but I knew who she was apologizing to and I wanted to tell the nurse to shut up because she just didn’t get how seriously Alleen took her job as protector and mother.
Goodbye and farewell my Alleen. I’ll miss you and I love you.
Thank you, David. Thank you.
Words cannot express how much I will miss her. I cannot contain my sadness at this time. We had so many ideas that we were hatching together. Alleen was a fantastic friend, and is loved by so many. I'll miss our fun times working on scrapbooks together, and the fact that she could have me rolling on the floor with the one tiny witty comment. We love you David, Adam, and Logan. Thank you for being so good to our boys.
Thank you for your friendship, and know that we are praying for you and remembering Alleen. Thank you for posting this. It brings a great deal of good feelings to my heart.
All of our love to you, at this time.
I'm goin to miss her so much. Alleen was my hero and favorite Aunt. She made me feel like the most important person in the world as I was growing up and I know how very lucky I was to have her.
I love you Alleen.
You have been throught thick and thin together, seen high spots in the road and never immuned to the low spots but where there every step of the way togeter. Both of you had new accomplishments and WOW the heavely father has a new mirical to do with the lives, YOUR SWEET WIFE touched. I know there were so many, too! Sorry for your loss but charish your understanding! You already know she was a great person but wanted to send my condolances your way. Your little guys can find strength in your big heart!! Thanks David For sharing!!
I am so, so sorry, David. Words cannot even begin to express how she will be missed.
I am so sorry for your loss. Your family are in my prayers.
What a special person I had just begun to see as I kept up with her life online. She sure loved her family more than anything. She was such a talented person.
You are all in my prayers.
thank you for the loving tribute.
David & family & friends,
Thank you for taking the time to let Alleen's internet friends know. Alleen's such a lovely person, she will be missed by many.
i'm so sorry David, Alleen was an outspoken member of the pub on 2peas and will be sorely missed!! I will be praying for your family!
I am so terribly sorry for your loss. She will be missed.
I am so so sorry. There is not much to say, we will feel her loss, I will be praying for you and your family.
I am so sorry for your loss. I love Alleen and will miss her greatly at Two Peas.
I want you to know that your family will be in my prayers!
Words cannot express how sorry I am for your loss. Your wife was a well-respected and much loved member of the Pub. I understand the journey your family will be on in the coming years as my husband and his brother lost their Mother the same way at age 12. Thoughts and prayer to you and your boys.
beth (crafterbeth)
Words cannot express how sad I am right now. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. (((((BIG HUGS))))) to you all, Alleen will be missed by many.
Your tribute was just beautiful! Thank you for sharing your memories with us. She was a beautiful soul.
I am so incredibly sorry for your family and I cannot tell you how sad we all are at the pub. Alleen was such a beloved member of our group and was always there to make us smile or laugh or to be our friend and offer a shoulder if we needed it. Thank you so much for letting us all know and many, many hearts are joined with yours today.
OH David,
My deepest sympathy to you and your family... What a beautiful tribute you have written about our dear friend at twopeas.. She will be missed greatly...
I am so, so sorry for your loss. She was a wonderful woman and will be missed greatly.
I did not have the priveledge of knowing Alleen. You have done an amazing job of sharing a glimpse into a remarkable wife, mother, friend and daughter.
I sit here and cry tears of sadness for such a beautiful life was cut short.
I will pray for you and your family.
I am so sorry for your loss.
I am so stunned and saddened...Alleen was such a wonderful person! Her sense of humor, her wit, will be greatly missed. I enjoyed her perspective on life and how she shared of herself in big and small glipses.
My thoughts and prayers to you all...
I never met Alleen but I read her blog whenever she updated it. I always appreciated her sense of humor and her intelligence, her obvious love for her family. I'm stunned at her passing and will miss her. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family.
alleen's wit and wisdom never failed to make me smile. i guess i was one of those who "got her"... she will be missed greatly. i cannot begin to express my sympathies for your loss.
David, I am keeping you and your family in my close prayers. I too lost a daughter prematurely last year (due to incompetant cervix), and Alleen was very comforting to me while I was at my lowest! She will be missed by us all at 2Peas!
I grew up with Alleen... right next door. I loved the family and we attended church and high school together. I remember swinging with her at the playground (elementry school) right behind our houses. I'm so sorry to hear this. I know she will be missed. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family.
Janie (Adams) Grohman
I'm so sorry to read this! Thinking of you and your family at this time!
I will miss her more than even I can imagin. I can't imagin what David and Logan and Adam are going through. My heart is broken.
I am so sorry!!!
I didn't know her well, but I will miss her.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I'm so very sorry for your loss, my heart breaks for you and your family...
I am so, so, sorry for your loss. I did not know Alleen personally, but knew her from reading her blog. She will be missed. You and your family will be in my prayers.
Warm hugs to you and your family this day and in the days ahead.
I am so sorry for your loss. Such a touching tribute, David. Thank you for sharing that with us. She will be sorely missed.
I am so sadden by your loss. I was lucky enough to get to know Alleen. I always love reading her blog. She was an amazing writer and a talented scrapper. Her sense of humor and quick wit will surly be missed. I know how much she loved her boys, you , her family and all her friends. She has truly touched our hearts and we are better people having known Alleen. David we will be keeping you and your family in our hearts.
Thank you for sharing that beautiful tribute. I will keep your family in my prayers.
David, I am very shocked and saddened to read the news about Alleen. She was a great woman, with a wonderful sense of humor. I loved reading her blog everyday and chatting with her on the message boards. She was tremendously talented. I don't think she had any idea how many lives she touched. She will be sorely missed. My heart breaks for you and the boys.
Condolences to your family on such a tremendous loss.....she will be sorely missed....
Thank you for sharing this. I am so sorry for your loss.
I can't tell you how sorry I am. I'm so shocked to read this. I loved Alleen's wit and will always remember her for being a very friendly lady!
Kendra McCracken
Thank you for this beautful tribute. My heart goes out to you and your family. Alleen will be very much missed in the online scrapping community.
I am so sorry for your loss. I saw your thread over at 2peas. Although I didn't get the chance to meet her, she sounds like she was a wonderful woman. May the Lord comfort you at this time. Julie
I too just read the thread on 2Peas and wanted to express my deepest sympathies to you and your family...I am heartbroken that she is not with us. She will be truly missed at 2Peas! Warm thoughts & prayers!!
I did not know her, but it always breaks my heart to read of someone's loss and a loved ones tribute. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Your family is my thoughts and prayers. God bless. She sounds like an amazing person.
I have to say that I did not know your wife well, just in passing on the message boards, but she was always kind and funny.
I am so sorry for your loss.
What a beautiful tribute to your wonderful wife! She will be missed tremendously by any and all who knew her. She was a constant source of lighthearted reality that never judged, just loved.
An exceptional example.
I am so sad for your loss and will be praying for your family.
Alleen thanks for your friendship.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and taking the time to share with us during this time.
I'm so sorry for your loss. What a loving tribute you posted. May you be blessed with comfort and peace.
Your tribute to your wife was just beautiful. I'm going to miss Alleen on the scrapbook boards. She was so loved. Thanks for letting us know. I'll keep you and the children in my prayers
So sorry fro your loss, praying for your family...
Your words express a wonderful woman, wife, mother and more...
Blessing to you.
alleen was a truly spectaclar person, and she will be missed by so so many. prayers go out to you david, and your boys. take comfort that she is with the Lord now.
Wow! Your tribute was so moving! Thanks for sharing with us, David.
Alleen will be sorely missed!
I am so terribly sorry for your family's loss.
Deepest Sympathy for you and your family.
I am so sorry to hear of this sad news. Alleen was the sweetest person online and her presence in The Pub and at SIStv will be sorely missed.
I'm so sorry I never had the chance to meet her in real life--God bless you--her family and her friends...may you feel His arms wrap around you especially at this time.
And God Bless you, too, Sagehen.
I am so sorry for your loss.
Thank you Dave. And thanks to all of you who have commented here. Janie, it was nice to see your name and know you kept up with Alleen, I know she really had fun with you growing up. It seems that lots of people "got" Alleen. Aren't we lucky to have had her in our lives? I'll miss this blog so much and those of you who commented regularly, it is amazing how communities grow around blogs. Alleen is my sister and my friend and my life is both richer for having had her in it and now poorer here and now because she has gone ahead. She always did get things faster than I do, from her humor to her knowledge of what's important in life, and now in death she is moving ahead and making new paths for me to follow. I hope to do it all as well as she has done and continues to do.
Alleen was such a wonderful presence online that we all enjoyed! She will be greatly missed. I send prayers of healing to you and your family.
Loving thoughts of 'Al' from myself. She was a dear, sweet friend, whom I shared many laughs with as well as our last conversation July 30th...
Please know that my heart is with you all.
'til we meet.
Alleen was a wonderful friend with quick wit and even better a huge heart. She genuinely cared for others. Never had anything bad to say about anyone and was always the first to offer encouragement, help or advice.
I will truly miss her and her friendship.
so from lil online sis to big online sis, I LOVE YOU A~!
David and boys,
My heart and prayers are with you. She loved you so much and was so proud of her family. You were her world!
David and boys, I'm SO terribly sorry for your loss. I loved Alleen and even though we hadn't spoken for a while she was very special to me and I'm very saddened that she isn't with us any longer. I will keep you and and your family in my prayers as you go through this sorrowful time. God's blessings over you all, Cindy Lee
I am so very, very sorry for your loss. I only "knew" your wife through her posts at 2Peas, but her wit and wisdom will definitely be missed.
I was struck by a couple of surnames in your tribute post, as my maiden name is Stott and I am also related by marriage to many Sorensens. How very small the world is, and I am sad to discover that we may have had a family connection only after she passed away.
My deepest sympathies,
Michelle (Stott) Wilwand
My heart just breaks for your loss, David. My prayers are with you and your children. Alleen's brightness will be missed in the Pub.
Prayers for you and your family... thanks for sharing David.
I love you Alleen. You were a great aunt and you will be missed
OMG! What a sorrowful day. Another beautiful person is gone from this world. I am so very sorry for your loss and the loss to the art community.
David, I don't even know where to begin. I hardly knew Alleen at all. I met her in The Pub a year and a half ago, and she was nothing but kind to me. I loved her sharp sense of humour and positive attitude. I loved coming to her blog to check in on her. I am in shock at what happened, and my heart aches for you and your family. Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. God bless.
Alleen, we will miss you. :(
I did not know Alleen but what I read I sure missed out on a wonderful person. My heart is breaking for you and the boys.
What a gift she left her loved ones, humor, love, inspiration and the list goes on.
God Bless
:( so sorry for you
I am so very sorry for your loss. May God bless you and your family during this difficult time.
((HUGS!!)) I'm so sorry! :(
I am so sorry to hear this news. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
I am so sorry for your loss. She will be missed. I will remember her fondly from 2peas.
God Bless you and your family.
I am so sorry for your loss. I worked with her on a design team and it saddens me to hear of her passing.
beautifully written, david.
while i never met alleen, i felt as though i knew her just a tiny bit thru the comments she left on karen's blog.
peace be with you and your family during this difficult time.
David, please check the number of comments on your original post at 2peas. I hope it is some small comfort to know how many people liked and respected your wife and what an impact she made at the pub.
She will be sorely missed.
David, I am so sorry. There are no words to mend such a wound. Your tribute to her was just lovely - you were both blessed by the other.
-Kelly (NannyPea)
I am so sorry for your loss. I know the days, weeks, months ahead will be difficult. Your tribute to Alleen was absolutely beautiful.
I'll be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
~ Kristin
David, I am so sorry for your loss. I knew Alleen only from the boards at 2peas, and she was such a fun person. She is going to be missed. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and my prayers.
Another fellow pea passing on my prayers for you and your children for strength. I'm so very sorry for your loss.
I miss Alleen. I miss her humor. I miss her insight. I miss her comments. I will miss her blog. Please keep in touch. And if you or the boys need anything... we are only a phone call or e-mail away.
Your dear friends forever......
Jeff and Sue E.
so very sorry for your loss. prayers of comfort and healing being said for your family.
OH my,I had no idea.
I am so sad.
I loved her as a friend and person that I worked with on the Scrappin Trends Design Team.
She was a strong and vibrant person.
My thoughts and heartfelt prayers are with you.
She will truely be missed.
I will miss you forever ~Debbie
What a beautiful tribute, thank you for sharing it with us. She will be missed.
I am so sorry for your loss.
My thoughts and prayers are with your family. I am sorry for your loss.
So very sorry for your loss, You and your family will be in my prayers.
I'm so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers.
Although I didn't personally know Alleen, it is quite evident from your touching post, that she truly was a loved woman.
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers xxx
Thanks for letting us know. My prayers are with your family...2peas will miss her deeply!
I am so grateful to have had Alleen in my life. She truly blessed my life. I will miss her sense of humor and most of all, I will miss being able to talk to her. I did not think it could hurt so much to have a broken heart. Good-bye dear sister and know I will always have you in my heart.
I've been a happy lurker on Alleen's blog for over a year, liked through via Karen's blog. I have loved reading about her wonderful and witty take on life, her devotion to her family and the attitude of independence she wrote with. She had a flair for life and she will, as attested to by the almost 100 commenters, be missed. My prayers are with you and your family.
I am so sorry for your loss. Alleen was a wonderful part of 2 Peas & she will be greatly missed!
Prayers to you & your family.
Praying for you, David, and the family. I am so sorry for your loss.
Jill Jones-Lazuka
I am waiting for someone to tell me it was nice to see me. Through laughter and tears I wish your family equilibrium and much more laughter. Alleen will be missed.
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