This is big news in our house. My husband grew up with pomegranates in his back yard. They used them for baseballs.
Where I grew up, pomegranates were rare and wonderful. All the children pooled our money in the fall to buy one pomegranate and shared the seeds.
David loves to tell this story as an illustration of how different our lives were.
He grew up in the deserts of southern Utah.
I was born and raised in the mountains of Wyoming.
We have since moved to the middle ground of northern Utah. But every fall his mother picks pomegranates, boxes them up and sends them to the family.
We have developed quite a fallowing of people who look forward to the fruit each year. We send them to school with our children, give them to our family doctor, David takes them to work, and we spread them about the neighborhood.
This year I need to add my work colleagues to the list of people who shall receive pomegranates.
The southern Utah pomegranates are unusual in that they are not red and hard, they are pink and have soft seeds, and are very sweet.
They are just another small tradition in our family.
Ooooh....yummmmmmm! I love pomegranates and those ones look delish!!
pomegranates are good for your heart. and you usually got the most.
They are downright exotic here in the midwest, where I grew up and still live. They look delicious.
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