It’s a good thing I don’t live in the northwest where it rains all the time, because rain makes me feel a bit melancholy. (I can’t believe I spelled that word right the first time!)
We went to the soccer practice last night. It had been drizzling off and on all day long, and it didn’t stop just for soccer.
It wasn’t bad at first, just damp and cold. But as the evening progressed it became damper and colder until rain was pelting on our poor little soccer players and the gung-ho coach finally decided to call it a day.
A has a good coach because he works really hard to teach all the little tikes how to be athletes. But sometimes he’s a little over the top enthusiastic about a sport that ultimately I view as just something to do to give my kid a little exercise. I’m afraid I don’t have the competitive spirit, as least as far as sports go. Give me some paper and photos on the other hand …
L and I spent most of the time in the car and amused ourselves by taking photos of him wearing Daddy’s glasses sitting behind the wheel of the car. He’s 11 years old. Yikes. Only five more years and he will be driving for real.

We came home and watched LOST. I am totally addicted to the show.
I’ve been anticipating this episode for days, weeks even. It was advertised to be the one where we find out what happens in the hatch.
Of course we didn’t. But it was a cool show anyway. More questions. Locke had his legs injured. The hot air balloon and parachute question. It was wonderful.
But, just as the show started the phone began ringing.
The first call was from a friend who wanted to borrow something for a party she is planning tonight.
The second was from a work colleague who called to inform me another colleague had completely re-written a story and wondered if I wanted to read the changes.
No. I don’t. I want to watch LOST!
But I said I trusted the reporter and I’m sure it would be fine. Then I worried about the changes for the rest of the evening.
Now I realize I haven’t written a good story (as in a remarkably boring or difficult subject, not as in I haven’t been able to write it well) for most of the month of March. The last story I was excited to write was the Red Hat Society feature, and the ladies came to me asking specifically for my to author it for them.
This month I have written about art students and dealt with a pi$$y art teacher, I have written about the Silver Beaver award winners, and am currently in the process of writing a story about elementary age school children participating in an educational program.
Next week I have been assigned to write about a young man who makes sculptures of tissue paper and Elmer’s Glue. My editor said I could appreciate it because I scrapbook.
I’m beginning to feel like I get the stories no one else wants.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m willing to take my share of the snoozer stories, but give me a break and send me something interesting now and then.
This poor story selection has added to the general malaise that has come from drippy weather and a desperate need for a vacation. I realized last night it’s been nine months since I have been more than 50 miles away from my home.
Fortunately, I think the tide is about to turn. I have a three day crop planned with my Ya-Ya Scrappers in a cabin above Park City next week. The week after is Easter weekend and the family is planning to visit my mom, sister and brother in Wyoming.

I can’t wait to see everyone. But be warned, I have a camera and I’m not afraid to use it. (Particularly on the nieces. I need more girl photos!)
You Are Miss Piggy |
A total princess and diva, you're totally in charge - even if people don't know it.You want to be loved, adored, and worshiped. And you won't settle for anything less.You're going to be a total star, and you won't let any of the "little people" get in your way.Just remember, piggy, never eat more than you can lift! |
The Muppet Personality Test
Just a little something fun.