Sunday, March 19, 2006

Hail, Hail, the gang's all here

It’s been a crazy weekend. Friday night we went to the hockey game. This has become something of a family tradition with my DH siblings. One of his sisters gets cheep seats at the Utah Grizzlies game once a year and everyone in the family is invited to buy tickets and attend.
This year we had cousins from Idaho and cousins from southern Utah as well as our family attending the game. I think the total was 21 family members, including six children under the age of 12.
Since we know very little about hockey, we miss most of the subtleties of the game. But the point is we all get together, eat $1 hot dogs and $5 nachos, yell at the players and watch a few fights. This year the older couple sitting behind us was able to explain things like “icing” to us so we could better understand the game.
A now wants skating lessons so he can join a hockey team. L wants to buy a hockey pick he found in the internet from the Torino games.
Yesterday I was invited to crop with some of DH teacher friends. I don’t know them at all, but I have a stack of pages I need to get done. My friend has commissioned me to do her scrapbook pages for her, so I have been working on them whenever I get feeling less inspired ~ since we have already picked out the paper and sorted everything in packets.
So I grabbed the box full of pre-sorted packets, threw in some adhesive, tools and embellishments and went to the crop.
I was there for about six hours and managed to get five pages done, unheard of in my house with all of the interruptions. They are not prize winners, but they are good, solid work.
As I was assembling my supplies DH yelled down the stairs and told me to grab my camera. I went upstairs and found everyone outside dancing around in the pea-sized hail pelting the ground. I did get some photos, but not too many are POD worthy. I posted a couple of them.
While I was scrapping, DH and the boys went into town to eat dinner with his family.
I’m ready for a quiet Sunday of puttering around and napping. But tonight we have an “It’s Great to be Eight,” program for A who will be turning eight in December and getting baptized in January.


Hatter J said...

I really love the top photo!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the 'dancing in the hail' picture, a fun moment captured.

me said...

Good thing it was only pea sized hail or they'd have some black eyes. Nice capture!

Elisa K said...

I just love the photo of the boys!!
