The tree split in half and is now spread across the yard blocking the path between our deck and shed where we keep the deep freeze ~ and the chicken I was planning to thaw for dinner.
But I suppose it could have been worse. The tree missed power lines, avoided the house and although it is resting comfortably on the shed, it looks like the building escaped anything but cosmetic damages.
We might even be able to save the tree or half of it at least.

We had a nice little chat, I sent him a story and he promptly sent it back asking me to re-work it. Unfortunately I wasn’t home; I had driven through a snow storm to cover a budget meeting at Stansbury Park.
But the second I walked in the door at 9:30 p.m. the phone was ringing, it was the office telling me the story was in my e-mail awaiting repairs. So after David went to bed I did as bid on the first story and labored over the Stansbury report.
When I went out to take photos of the tree I discovered this crop of mushrooms growing in what must have been the crack that weakened the tree to the point of breaking in half. Weird, no?
I stayed up until midnight trying to make it work, and it just wasn’t coming together so I went to bed and fretted about it all night.
I was up at six working on the story again and I am currently waiting for the editor to shoot it back to me to re-write it.
It could have been worse. I could be working for him full-time.

True, DH had to battle his belly ailment, but he was able to get some school work done between trips to the bathroom.
It could have been worse.
By the way, I always thought I was unique. This proves it.
It looks like our family will soon have another kitten (pending approval from DH) My son's fifth grade teacher just called to tell me she has reserved a Siamese kitten for us at a shelter in a neighboring community.
My son, (she knows him as Mikel, long story) told her about Katie being killed because she also has a tipped kitty. Hers is a blue-point manix mix.
As it happens, her dog was also killed by a car this summer so she was shopping for a new puppy when she happened upon this shelter. They had a male Siamese kitten on hand, but he had already been promised to another home. But they told her they were expecting a new batch of Siamese kittens on Monday. She said her "grandson" really wanted a new kitten and reserved one for us.
I just called the shelter and sure enough, we have a kitten reserved. She reserved a male for us, but if we go in on Monday we can play with all of them and pick the one we want (assuming no one else has reserved it).
The shelter will then spay and or neuter the kitten, make sure it has it's shots, and put a computer chip in it.
I'm so excited, I want to call someone and tell them about it. But there's no one around right now.
Oh no! I was worried about our trees during the snow. It's amazing how they almost become part of the family! I'm so glad yours fell carefully...hope you're able to get it out of there soon!
I am so glad that you are all OK!
That storm was way weird yesterday!
Glad that you are doing the Kitty thing again, couldn’t think of going with out my Schmoe. Hope you can find the right one.
Rox -
Oh so fun! I hope you find a gem of a cat waiting for you!
My little Gigi is pretty wonderful excepting the incident with my charging cell phone, a dangling cord and a cement floor (I was not so enamored of her in that moment!).
I lost my tree that is in front of my house several years ago in a Labor day microburst. Well I lost half of it It is doing fine now. I took a vacation day today so I could be home while I had a new furnace installed today1 I came home Fri. to the news that we could no longer use our furnace because of a broken manifold (Whatever that is). taht was an fun(not) experience. Expensive too. I am now in hock for 5 years to pay for it. One thing if I happen to miss a payment or two it is unlikely to be reposesed. It is kind of hard to come in the middle of the night and repose it like you would a car. I.m glad you are getting a new kitten.
Hooray for the new kittie! It's always exciting to get to know a new pet (unfortunately after you do get to know them you find traits like curtain climbing, and upholstry shredding.) Goo luck with your newbie.
Sorry about D's tummy I have been sick for almost two weeks now and I have to say---it stinks! Glad the tree missed any vital organs. Those mushrooms are probably part of the reason the tree was so weak. I hope you don't lose the whole tree. It's so nice to have a big tree in your yard.
This is a coincidence! One of my trees split and broke in half, too!
I think that it was quite heavy wet snow!
A new Kitty... So exciting. Now Boo has a friend. She is mellowing out considerably... I only have had to give her one time out today!
My first name is 62nd most popular and sirname is 1943 most common and there are 44 R.S.'s out there, 7 TS's,1 LS, 0 HS's, 3 GS's and 0 MS's. bummer about the tree but it couldn't have been much of a suprise. I wish mom would let H have a cat. She just needs to stop bighting her nails.
Hillbilly sister: It's official, I am the only one with my name in the US both with my married name and maiden name. However, there is 1 other person with the name JANINE Stott. I am sorry about your tree, that is horrible! I am glad you are getting a kitten.
739 people have my very rare name
70 have the husbands
173 with my first borns
13 with my second borns
and 17 for my last but not least
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