Random thoughts
Darn, I wish Jeffery hadn’t won Project Runway last night. It’s true; I thought his little green and white dress with the zippers was adorable. But I do not think he is adorable, and I hate it when the world rewards bad behavior. I hate it even more when people who are blessed with talent behave badly.
My theory, anyone who makes someone’s mother cry ~ not in a good way ~ on national television, and refused to apologize for it, should not be given a hot sports car.
I love containers. As a kid I always wanted one of those roll-top desks with all the cubby holes. It just looked like such fun sorting things in all those little spaces.
I love to organize things. I don’t love keeping them organized, but I can fill many happy hours putting buttons, brads, pencils, crayons, what have you into categories and containers.
I suspect at least part of my scrapbook obsession is related to all the cool little brads, ribbons, etc. one can buy and sort into containers.
made this checkbook cover Monday. I haven’t carried my checkbook for at least six months, I use the cash card instead because it is less bulky and I can keep track of my account balance on line. But I do use the check book for paying bills, so now I have a stylin’ cover to make the dreadful job of bill paying a little less dreadful.
We'll have to agree to disagree about Jeffery. I loved his collection.
As for sorting. I enjoy it too and spend just as much time organizing my small collection of scrapbook parafanaila as I do using it.
Oh, we are a crazy sort of family! I must have inherited the gene and passed it on. G does it too. I love Laura and want to wear her clothes in the worst way, which is just how I would wear them. I think her designs look good on only a few dozen people in the world. Uli, now Uli's stuff could be made with 4 times as much fabric and I could wear them, if I had no modesty whatsoever. Did you hear that Jeffery padded his dress form with paper towel rolls when he was designing for Angela's mother. What a sweet guy. You have to love a guy with the tender feelings of a hyena and a personality to match. He even looks like one. Ah, the pain of having to wait 6 months to see season 4.
Aahh Prawject Wunway. I loved michel wnated him to win but knew he sisn't have a chance. I though Laura during the show was a one hit wonder but I did like her collection. I was blah about Uli but thought she should win, and I hated Jeff I knew he would win until I saw his collection. I didn't like it at all. When I saw his stuff come down the runway I thought he had lost it. Oh well. They are all going to be designers so I guess it doesn't matter.
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