He was very proud of himself.

I have rolls rising and have finished baking a pumpkin pie. We will be having a ham dinner tonight in honor of the event. I might even get fancy and put a tablecloth and candles on the table.
I’m currently suffering from some kind of stuffy nose, sore throat, achy body ailment that makes every movement uncomfortable. I hurt in odd places, like on the bridge of my nose and along the jaw line. I’m not sure what’s up, but I do look forward to a few days of not getting up at 7 a.m. to get the children to school.
Ginger is feeling a little under the weather, too. I took her to the Vet Monday to have her stitches taken out from being spayed and was told the bulge on her belly (from the spaying) is in fact a hernia. We have an appointment set for Saturday to have the same people who gave her the hernia fix it. DH isn’t working on Saturday, so we will probably make a day of the trip into Bountiful.
To add injury on top of injury, this morning she was running around and had the front door shut on her hind leg. Now she’s crying and limping. I took her to the Vet again today and the leg isn’t broken.
We have a great Vet; he hasn’t charged us yet for the stitches removal, clipping her claws (yeah!) or checking her leg for a break. We buy our pet food from him, so he does get our business.
I hope all the friends and family out there in blogworld are having, have had a great Thanksgiving.
I’m sending a special shout out to Holland, I hope they find out what’s going on with you. Love you girl!
And the BowlDoggs, have a grand holiday, I wish I could have been there for the wedding.
I think everyone should sit on their roof... what fun that world would be ;D
As for my travel plans I'm going both North & South! It's been a 2 week whirlwind wedding extravaganza!
I forgot to meniton that...
I'M TIRED!!!!!!
Trace called and they are comming home this evening (wen.). Holl is going to have a drain in her neck for several weeks aparently. I don't know what exactly is up but will know more when they get home.
Oh, yah, here is Big sis's blog address 2jungleoutthere.blogspot.com now maybe if I'm not the only one leaving comments she will write more.
Will this family ever get better? I hope that we will all have reached our medical trials for awhile. Be careful, though, if it isn't one thing it's another! Prayers for everyone! I don't blame DH, I would work Thanksgiving rather than Christmas if given a choice. This world is way too busy if we can't stop long enough to enjoy holidays at home.
Great days for injuries and disease! I love November! NOT It is the beginning of for real winter and the end of sunlight for at least 5 months. GLOOM
Awww I hope you and your kitty Ginger are feeling better soon!
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