The wedding announcement came in the mail today. I have seen pictures of his bride-to-be on his sister's blog and was stuck by how much she looked like said sister. You can see Shane and Sister, along with my oldest DS who is now 12 in the heart photo.
The thing that struck me most about the wedding photo, however, is how happy Shane looks. It brings tears to my eyes.
Shane is one of the dearest young men you could ever happen to meet, and not just because he reminds me of my father. They had a wonderful relationship and both Shane and I believe my father (Shane's grandpa) is still watching over him.
If this is true, we have to think he's smiling in heaven to see Shane taking such a charming young lady to wife.
Actually, I don't know a whole lot about the bride except she get a glowing recommendation from his sister, who arranged the match.

According to Shane's mom, the bride likes a clean house. Which will no doubt be a novelty in our family. Sister says the bride is uber spiritual.
I am sure she is exceptional, as Shane is an exceptional young man as well. Alas, his shyness had his parents worrying that he would never wed.
This photo is not just a charming photograph of a couple about to start their life together. It is a snapshot of hopes and dreams of many people who love Shane and no doubt will come to love his wife, as well.
By the way, Dogg, if you are reading this. I want more babies in the family at our Easter Egg hunt, A, L and H are officially too old to play now and we have to keep the fun going.
Shane is a good person and he'll be a great husband and dad--although I hope they wait a few years before donning that hat! He's become a friend as much as a brother to me the last 4 or 5 years and I'm thrilled to see him looking so happy.
They are planning on having kids about 3 months in. And she is super cute.
They asked me to be the photog at the temple. I have been planning shots and I'm SOOO excited. They may regret asking, but it's to late now!! (Booah- Haa Haa Ha)
We are so happy, I can't quit smiling! Shane is a fab kid. I love that picture of him. I had forgotten how long his hair got in hs. Now he has to be cajoled by the love of his life to let it grow to an inch for wedding pictures. I have a feeling we are all in for a great life with the two of them, expecially the two of them.
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