I happened upon a lovely old board in the yard that was perfect for the “Trick or Treat” sign. The vintage house lady gave me the vinyl letters while I was visiting her. I painted a sloppy layer of sensible hue, added a crackle medium and painted black on top of it.
I love the final project.
My original plan for the furniture was to do the same thing, a little sensible hue, a bit of crackle and a final coat of black. Alas, I was not impressed with the final product and had to paint over everything twice to get rid of the crackle effect.
For the record, I generally enjoy painting, sure, the prep is kind of a pain and the clean up is a bore, but painting itself is rather enjoyable.

That is to say painting is enjoyable if you are not painting these chairs! By the time I had applied the second coat of pain on the slats of the rocking chair I was feeling a little off my rocker, myself.
I was “assisted” in my painting task by my 12-year-old and 7-year-old DSs. Mind you, I understand why they wanted to paint; I always wanted to paint when I was a kid. And mom let me, bless her heart. So I let my boys help too. They did pretty well until I started getting that “if I have to answer one more question or explain one more thing I think I will crawl out of my skin” feeling. Please tell me I’m not the only one who feels this way when they are in the middle of a project and have to stop every 15 seconds to give praise to the “help.”
Seeing as I was closing in on clean-up time, and realizing I had a kitchen sink full of dishes, I sent the 12-year-old DS in to unload the dishwasher. At which point I found myself engaged in a “why do I have to do everything” discussion with a child who, I assure you, does not have to do everything.
When I told said child this was not “Trading Spaces,” I did not have to finish the project in two days and I was tired, he informed me “I’ll be the people on Trading Spaces get tired.”
At which point I decided I was done painting for the day, and he could jolly well wait until tomorrow for me to finish painting “his” table.
You may have picked up on the fact that I am still seething about the ungrateful behavior of my child. But I will get over it, eventually.
Tomorrow I will finish the black paint touch-ups and paint sensible hue where I have planned to paint it.
I hope by then my back won’t hurt so much and I can be more patient with my children.