I have one really cute photo of a little boy with jam all over his face, but I didn’t think it was okay for me to put it on my blog without his mom’s permission.

One couple was selling fresh honey. My boys were fascinated by the combs, and bought a little plastic container with a chunk of honey comb in it. Since I don’t like honey I didn’t try it, but they said they could just scoop a glob of the honey comb into their mouths with their fingers and chew it like gum. Honey flavored gum, interesting idea.

After I was done at the farmer’s market we decided to try the Greek restaurant just down the street from the park. My friend has been telling me how great it is, and DH and I really like Greet food. But the place looked like a scary little hole-in- the-wall.
When we walked in the door we were surprised to see the hole-in-the-wall was just the storefront. There was more room in the back than we would have guessed from looking at it from the outside.
We settled down, enjoyed a pretty good meal (loved the soup!) and as we were finishing up we noticed the friend who had recommended the place walking up to the door with her husband. They ended up sitting right next to us.
As we were finishing up, though, DH noticed something small, furry and grey floating in the bottom of his water glass. I don’t know what it was. But I fear we will not be going back to that eatery.
Mmmmm...Love the food you find at the farmers market.
Maybe it was a floater from DH's mustache. Yes? Best to think of it that way. The other day the library ladies went to Rulon's Burger Barn and there was a fly in Carol's basket, The waitress/owner tried to get it out with her finger for several ghastly minutes then asked if Carol would like a new bun. Well, I guess!
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