I happened upon a lovely old board in the yard that was perfect for the “Trick or Treat” sign. The vintage house lady gave me the vinyl letters while I was visiting her. I painted a sloppy layer of sensible hue, added a crackle medium and painted black on top of it.
I love the final project.
My original plan for the furniture was to do the same thing, a little sensible hue, a bit of crackle and a final coat of black. Alas, I was not impressed with the final product and had to paint over everything twice to get rid of the crackle effect.
For the record, I generally enjoy painting, sure, the prep is kind of a pain and the clean up is a bore, but painting itself is rather enjoyable.

That is to say painting is enjoyable if you are not painting these chairs! By the time I had applied the second coat of pain on the slats of the rocking chair I was feeling a little off my rocker, myself.
I was “assisted” in my painting task by my 12-year-old and 7-year-old DSs. Mind you, I understand why they wanted to paint; I always wanted to paint when I was a kid. And mom let me, bless her heart. So I let my boys help too. They did pretty well until I started getting that “if I have to answer one more question or explain one more thing I think I will crawl out of my skin” feeling. Please tell me I’m not the only one who feels this way when they are in the middle of a project and have to stop every 15 seconds to give praise to the “help.”
Seeing as I was closing in on clean-up time, and realizing I had a kitchen sink full of dishes, I sent the 12-year-old DS in to unload the dishwasher. At which point I found myself engaged in a “why do I have to do everything” discussion with a child who, I assure you, does not have to do everything.
When I told said child this was not “Trading Spaces,” I did not have to finish the project in two days and I was tired, he informed me “I’ll be the people on Trading Spaces get tired.”
At which point I decided I was done painting for the day, and he could jolly well wait until tomorrow for me to finish painting “his” table.
You may have picked up on the fact that I am still seething about the ungrateful behavior of my child. But I will get over it, eventually.
Tomorrow I will finish the black paint touch-ups and paint sensible hue where I have planned to paint it.
I hope by then my back won’t hurt so much and I can be more patient with my children.
I know what you mean. I however have no love of painting. Yesterday I got my paycheck. I went shopping for groceries, after first checking at the bank and clearing up a little matter aboui a rubber check that I somehow managed top write. I also opened a savings account. Something is wrong with this picture. You earn 1.5% interest, but you pay 20% interest. Somebody is making a killing herer, and it isn't the average Jane. I am trying to keep my grocery bill below $100. I did better. Only $108. There are only two of us too feed, how come the groceries cost so much? Anyway. buy the time I was through with those tasks I was through for the day. I had planned on going to a wedding shower, but by then I had so many aches and pains I couldn't manage it. It would have been fun too. because she is 79 years old. It is her first marriage. I need to find something for a hobbie so i can distract my ming and relax a bit. I am glad that your boys like to help you. This is a sigh yhat they still like your company and they are learning things. ENJOY
Black fingerlails are in according to the People magazine that I read while waiting for everyone to finish finding a book at the library. I suppose they mean as in fingernail polish, not under the nails and around the cuticles, but picky, picky, picky!
I had just finished listening to the conference talk on patience when A accused me of throwing away the cat toy she bought when I threw away the packaging and other crap she left on the couch. It was there all night mind you. I was not patient.
I am a little worried by your painting story as I am planning to paint 3 rooms before Shane gets here with M(currently planning wedding in Nov.) in late October. Sensible hue had better also be quick drying and easy applying. S,L and K are coming for UEA so I plan a Trading Spaces type frenzy while they are here. Of course we will have the children as well. I hope we don't get the "crawl-out-of-my-skin" thing, but it's pretty good odds we will. Pray for us.
The difference between my painting experience and you planned Trading Spaces moment is you have three young adults involved. With any luck Granny can go amuse the children while S, K and L get the work done in record time.
Actually, given the choice, that would be my plan.
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