We have plans for a sleep-over party on Friday, but it it still a bummer to wake up sick on your 12th birthday.
Twelve things I love about my son
1. He never does anything half-way.
2. He is really interested in the world around him.
3. He is a natural leader
4. He really wants to be good and help everyone.
5. He has a good heart.
6. He made me a mother when I didn’t think I would ever be one.
7. He loves nature, growing things and animals.

9. He is not afraid to try new things.
10. He is very protective of his little brother. (When he’s not ordering him around)
11. He is and old soul in a young body.
12. He is a gift from God.
L, if you read this, know I love you more than chocolate!
What a sweet thought. I think I'll steal the idea for Ashlee. L have a great 12th year, I hope you are well for your party.
Shucks! That was really sweet!
Hillbilly sister:
Poor Logan, I hope he had a Happy Birthday anyway. Our Jason had chicken pox for his 8th birthday!
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