We get back about two / thirds of what I earned last year. Which kind of makes me wonder what the point is of my working?
But then again, since I work from home and earn peanuts we get to deduct things like the computer, some of the house mortgage, and even phone bills if I have the presence of mind to keep track of how much time I spend on the phone making or taking business related calls. As this will require a phone log, I don’t hold out much hope that I’ll be able to deduct any of the phone bill next year, but I am going to give it a try.
We ... that is to say I ... also registered DS-8 for baseball. He announced last spring that he wanted to play baseball, but as the season was half-over, we were unable to get him on a team.
In return for a $40 fee we were given this baseball shirt. (which, I noticed as I scanned it in, he has already smuged with dirt playing outside with his bat. White t-shirts for baseball playing boys, greaaaaaat idea!)
It will be interesting to see how he takes to this sport. He loves to catch and throw things ~ things like super balls, pencils, stuffed animals, hockey sticks ~ while laying on his back in the middle of the floor. I suspect this will result in him being a great outfielder. He's a lefty and he has a really good arm, but unless the batter is suspended in the air above him, I don't know that he will be mutch of a pitcher.
I am not thinking hours sitting in the sun at ball parks is going to be fun for me. But mothers do have to make sacrifices, and maybe it will result in a good scrap book page or blog entry.
It seems a most curious host of people are reading my blog, and not commenting on it. Today while I was at my scrapbook store, one of the ladies told me she reads my blog regularly. Hummmm. I have discovered my friends from my St. Geroge life read it, and now and then I get comments from scrappers I know via the internet. All this time I thought only family members were peeking into my life.
So, if you are reading this now, please just sign in so I have an idea who you are.

I’m feeling a little technique driven right now. I want to play around with hand stitching and paper folding and the like. I’m hoping all this experimentation will eventually lead to some really outstanding work.
I anxously wait every day for a new blog from you! I would love to blog here but do not know how to run the program. cowchick -Tooele-
I am commenting again as usual. That is some ace photography there, Al. You are really getting some great candids at interesting angles! VERY IMPRESSIVE!
Good talking to you today!
...hey cowchick...
go to blogger.com, they'll walk you through it! trial and error, baby!
checking in. Not that I don't comment or anything.
Sorry, I'm the last anonymus.
I have to keep up with you some how...
Rox -
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