He was on one of the first teams from Tooele County to join in this event. They did not do well, but he had a great time and brought home a cool t-shirt.
While he was gone taking tests, DS-8 convinced DH to put together the basketball part of the game table they were given for Christmas.
It’s just a little commentary about my DSs. The older loves his school and logic problems, the younger is all about throwing and catching a ball.
Meanwhile, I set the timer to clean the house for two hours. All I managed to do was clean the kitchen, (including the refrigerator) and that did not include mopping the floor. No wonder my house looks like a sty, I can think of so many things I would like to do in two hours, and none of them are clean the kitchen.
Where's all your snow? We have been loosing what little we have but there is little grass to be seen. Keep up the math DN12 your couze who can dunk a basketball also does fair with math so they are not apposed to each other, math and basketball that is. However me and spelling seem to have parted ways some time ago. BTW why do I have to type in the "word verification" twice before it works? Am I alone in this?
No you are not lil bro, I have to do the same thing and I'm glad to see that it wasn't just a big dolt that was loosing my eyesight or something.I too wonder why the double crazy word thingy is going on.
No bro you are not alone in this I have to do it on both K and A'a sites. It's probably to see how intent we are on actually posting a comment. It happened when they changed over to some new program where the verification comes before the identity. Frustrating! big sis, your site doesn't do it.
Back to our regularly scheduled comment. I love it that we have some math smarts coming up in the second generation. It is refreshing to see. Shane married a math person and so did Lil Bro. Ashlee even has a little math, I guess playing all that Motzart to her nightly for three years paid off. I wonder if Playing it backwards would undo my math phobias?
I'm good at math. I beat my accountant calculator 3 times today!
Well, kstevensfam I am impressed, I once beat you at math, (when you were about 6) so I must be pretty d--- good too.
Who needs math when there are computers and calculators and smart people around?
the "smart people" need math Karen.
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