We had just finished supper and I was clearing off the table. It had been a dreary, rainy day, but as often happens at the end of dreary, rainy days, the sun came out from behind a cloud and set the world a sparking with all the rain drops.
I had changed from my Sunday go to meeting clothes to my Sunday evening p.j.s, but I still scurried outside to see once again if I could capture the reflection photos.
I didn’t.
There must be some secret to the macro setting on my D-rebel that escapes me, but whenever I tried to focus on a drop, I ended up with a photo of the tree behind it.
Still, it is looking springish outside.
I am mentally ready for spring, but the community needs a lot more snow to get us through the long hot summer.
I know lots of women who caught drips! [snort, snigger. Sorry, I had to do that it just cried out to be done.] I do admire your green grass. We wwnt to Logan yesterday and they had no snow at all, but their grass wasn't green. I am craving green grass. We are having the January Chinook here at last, but no green grass, and tonight it's been snowing. We do need the water so I'll just suck it up. The disappointment, not the water. Have a good week.
To capture the drips w/ a macro setting you must first fully extend the lens before switching to the macro setting.
See if that helps. That is what you have to do with my camera.
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