The journaling on the page reads:
Ashlee, I am amazed at the beautiful young woman you are becoming. I
shouldn’t be surprised; you were always an exceptionally pretty child.
I have
been fascinated to watch you grow. You started school convinced you were the
smartest child in the class and then went about proving it.
You, along with
cousins Logan and Holland started the “new wave” of children in our extended
fmily. Thethree of you brought new life to a family mourning the loss of
your grandfather, Alf and your grandmother, Drusilla.
When I see your
fresh young face I can’t help but anticipate the adventures ahead of you.
some ways I want to push the pause button and make you stay just the way you are
~ but then again, I can’t wait to see what you become.
I love Ashlee buckets but I'm looking forward to her growing out of this wreched, hormonal pre-teen/teen phase that she has entered with a vengance!
Thanks for the great layout featuring Ashlee. She is indeed a Gordon look-alike. I love the journaling as well. Ashlee is really pretty loveable even though 12, and after spending the day today teaching 7 40 minute classes of 5th and 6th graders to make origami boxes, I can say 6th graders as a whole are all rather unbearable when they aren't being loveable. By the way, it is never a good idea to teach 7 40 minute classes back to back the same thing, even something you like to do. It could change your mind about likeing it. Maybe that's why I don't love to sew so much anymore.
I don't like sewing as much anymore either. After working for ten years in a "Sweat Shop" I can say I must have been out of my mind. I hated it and they hated me. But I hated the thought of looking for work even more. I had no money, confidence or hope. Needless to say that was a wasted 10 years. Ashlee is indeed a cute girl.
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