I’ve been watching a lot of HGTV, which has fed the yen to slap a little paint around ~ although it’s hard to say which came first the TV watching, or the desire to spruce up my digs.
In any case, I have made an “accessory” to put on the walls, should I ever actually change the walls from boring white to slightly less boring green. I used my Dutch Girl paper and a D.I. find I picked up last fall when I was in my brief thrifty stage.
In theory, I will hang framed photos of my beloved family on the pegs under the shelf.
Baseball continues to be a saga of strangeness.
DS-8 was scheduled to go to his second (well first, because the first practice was canceled due to snow) practice Saturday at 5:30 p.m. but while I was in the shower DS-12 took a call telling us the time had changed to 11 a.m.
When we arrived as scheduled there were two teams playing on the field. Since we don’t know the team yet, but we do know they are named the “Blue Jays” we asked both teams and were told the second group was indeed, the one we sought, but they had started practice at 10:30 a.m.
I figured DS-12 got the message wrong, introduced A to the coach and sat down to watch the practice. As we watched, DH and I realized they were playing T ball, curious, we thought he was in a pitch team, but we’re new at this and we could have missed something along the way.
A proved to be pretty talented, maybe it was because he was one of the largest kids on the team.
When did A get to be so tall?
One of the parents overhearing our conversation asked us how old he was.
“Eight,” we said.
“These are six year olds,” she told us.
While A was practicing a new team had arrived, you guessed it, they were the 8-year-old Blue Jays. So A played a few minutes with his real team and DH and I mourned the loss of what appeared to be a really great coach.
DS-12 spent the day in SLC doing Temple Baptisms, and we were spared several hours of infighting, a very good thing.
Even better, DH didn't have to work on Saturday or Sunday.
What's more, this weekend is Stake Conference. A better woman would be rejoicing at the opportunity to learn at the feet of her stake leaders. I am darn excited because I don't have to go to Relief Society and I'm slumming around the house in my p.j.s
Wickedness may not be happiness, but a nap comes pretty close.
Well, I can understand the painting urge, I get it in the summer, but I've never done my bedroom, because I would have to finish in 1 day, and I know I can't. I took a week to paint Ashlee's room, but she doesn't mind sleeping in other places than her won bed, Gordon isn't quite so pliable. Have a good time painting.
Of course I mean her own bed, but won works too. I keep promising myself I'll proofread these things, but I get in a hurry and forget.
When can we paint???
Hey, I am sure the boys are jealous of the baseball thing.. I was in too much of a fog to sign them up! Silly me.
So, the shelf is HOTT! I love it.
Maybe we should be yard sell friends this year. Whaddya say?
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