I’ve been playing in my photos for my ScrappinTrends design kit. I had SEI paper this month, and it seemed a good match for the photos. Conference weekend is a great time to scrap. I can scrap and listen to conference and let my house go to pot without guilt.

Mom made the red dress with the trim. I thought I could still find some of the flower braid in my stash, but I apparently used it on something else.
I can remember the exact moment this photo was taken. We are sitting on a scooter Ray{mond} made with one of his friends. I thought I was hot stuff because the girls finally let me win the Miss America contest.
The other photo was one of a strip of photos taken in a photo booth at Idaho Falls. Grandma Hall took me to get the photos taken, and she told me how my sister posed all pretty with her hand up behind her head. Somewhere it got lost in translation, and I decided to put my hand up like I was a hostile witness being sworn into court. Mom and my sisters laughed until they cried when they saw the photo.
I think I convinced Wyo. Sis to fix my hair for this photo. I thought this look was stylin’
The blue dress was my first “store bought” dress. We bought it at J.C. Penney’s in Idaho Falls. I didn’t like it ~ I wanted something sweet and girly. But Mom’s sense of style prevailed, as always.
I think I sewed this dress. I know I picked out the pattern and the fabric, one of those flame retardant double knit numbers. I still like the print on the fabric, Maybe I’ll see if I can use it for a layout inspiration.
I always thought I had the cutest little sister going. I was right. You are so cuddly and teddy bear cute. I love the pages, they bring back memories. Hey! it's obvious I had talent with hair from the beginning. No wonder my girls prefered "just plain". Can't wait to see you. At Easter?
Love the layout. Sigh, oh to be young again!
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