I could have spent my weekend scrapbooking, Christmas shopping, or even going to the new Harry Potter movie. But no, I found myself digging through boxes, papers and fabric in what has come to be known as the “scary closet.”
Actually, it’s only one of several such scary closets in the house, and easily the worst. It wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for my obsession with crafts and boxes. When I opened the closet yesterday I realized that although I am a big fan of saving the “good boxes,” too many good boxes can be a bad thing.
I have also rediscovered the joy of the tote.
I’ve been storing all my Halloween costumes, Easter baskets, and fabric scraps in cardboard boxes. The downside of this is I can’t see inside of the boxes and the boxes themselves look, well, tacky.
Over the last two years I have become friends with Jessica, who could easily pass as “Queen of the Totes.” The woman weights maybe 103 pounds soaking wet, but she can throw around totes the size of Volkswagens, like a truck driver. Her world is Organized! Last year, inspired by Jessica’s tidy storage area, I invested in totes for my Christmas ornaments, lights, etc. This year the totes moved into my closet.
It’s amazing how four totes, one for holidays, another for crafts, a third for sewing and fabric and a fourth for all things scrap related, has cleared up the space under the stairs. I have had a storage container for my wrapping paper for a few years, and I put the gift wrap bows in another, tossed (most) of the boxes, and yehaw! My closet is clean and organized.
Now I have to tackle the coat closet, the pantry and *gulp* the children’s toy closet.
While these photos of the day are not technically interesting, they signify a great accomplishment to me, conquering the scary closet.
I think you did a wonderful job. Wanna come do my closets now? :) Great pics.
I love your journaling today! Sounds like me. My house is always neat and organized - but woe to the person who ventures into a closet or one of my "junk" drawers!
SO funny, I am going to be cleaning out my craft closet today and seeing all your boxes make me think that's what my stack is going to look like!! Good job!! :o)
it's good to face fears head on! way to go!
LOL, every closet in my house is scary! But, you have inspired me to correct that, thanks! And congrats on facing a fear and overcoming it!
You're not the only one that needs to organize. My SBRoom looks like a confetti bomb went off it in. Great job.
Good for you! That was a lot of stuff that you organized!
This is something that is never fun - but man does it feel GOOD when it's done!
Sigh. My big temptation is FABRIC and YARN. I can never have enough of either. I get a sewing bug and think I will go buy some fabric so I can sew. Well I get the fabric. but then the urge leaves me and another bag hits the storage pile. Same with yarn.
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