Ah yes, Thanksgiving 2005 was a memorable occasion at our house. We dined on crushed ice flavored ever so slightly with anti-acids and anti-diarrhea medicine. We gathered together, huddled under blanket is mutual misery, stomachs cramping as we watched our plans to eat turkey and stuffing in the company of extended family was literally flushed down the drain.
That was our holiday.
How was yours?
So today I am thankful that the bug is passed, we still have turkey in the refrigerator and although we won’t be going north to visit my mother, sister, brother and all their offspring, we will be eating turkey, one day late.
Let’s hope our battered systems can handle it.
I`m so sorry you guys were sick,I hope you are able to enjoy your turkey dinner today!Feel better!
We missed you! So sorry you couldn't come. It was great to have those who came but we felt your absence and Kerry's also. Our goldfish also had tummy aches. Someone dumped half a can of fish food in the tank. They are on a forced fast (at least no NEW food) for a few days and the filter quickly filled up with excess food. They are seven years old now and we hope to make 8, but when they go I won't mourn. I'll quickly give away all fish paraphinal parafina---stuff and heave a sigh of relief. Good luck and we hope you are better soon.
Oh no! Too bad you all had the flu. Enjoy the turkey today.
OH NOOOOO! I'm so sorry you guys were sick. What a terrible way to spend Thanksgiving (or any other day for that matter). Hoping your house gets healthy QUICKLY! Enjoy the belated turkey! :)
Big bummer. It wasn't the same not having you there. Still we were 18 in wyo sis's house that's not enough without you four and the fireman. Get better and rest up.
Ohh no Alleen!! So sorry you all were sick.
Hmm.. does that mean now that you all have more room in your bellies for turkey??
I hope all goes well when you eat today!!!
Oh NO!!! That sucks! I hope you are recovered somewhat today!
Oh my heck, Alleen! I'm so so sorry that you got the bug over the big day! I've missed your blog for a few days and was thinking about you yesterday while I was cooking. Just thought, "Alleen will be driving two blocks from my house to get to Preston!" I'm sorry that you missed it! FEEL BETTER AND ENJOY the rest of the weekend!
Oh that is awful! Those bugs are so bad...I feel for you. Hope you all feel better and are able to enjoy the big dinner today. Take good care of yourself!
:( Im so sorry to hear you all got sick on thanksgiving. Glad to here you are feeling some what better, enjoy your turkey today. **hugs to your whole family**
Oh no!!! Hope you enjoyed your turkey today!
Oh my goodness you poor things. I'm so sorry you were sick on the holiday! Hope you're feeling 100% real soon!!!!! =)
Alleen! Sorry you guys are sick! Hope you feel better tomorrow!
Keep warm and drink plenty of fluids!
OOh I am sorry you were sick - Alleen what a rotten way to spend thanksgiving - hope you feel better soon (((Hugs)) and thank you for always saying something lovely on my blog - your comments always make me smile :)
I hope you're all feeling better by now! Not a great way to spend a holiday...or any day for that matter! {{{{Hugs}}}}}
Oh dear, what a lousy way to spend Thanksgiving! I'm glad to read that you're doing better now. :S
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