It finally rained today.
I took my camera with me to as I walked to my children’s school for my first day as a volunteer in Logan’s class. I helped a sweet young girl with her reading fluency. She was sweet and thin and fragile looking. Maybe she will be a pretty woman, but she did have a prominent nose with a bump on it.
Clearly she is bright. But she struggled with reading the words, with writing them on paper.
She held her pen awkwardly, twisted oddly in her hand the way my left-handed father did because he was taught to write right handed, and learned to adapt. But she was right handed.
When she wrote, she kept switching letters. “Spit” came out “Psit.” Each time she would catch herself, scribble out the mistake and try again. She hesitated, checked the spelling often and left out words.
Watching her struggle brought to mind what a blessing it is to me to be able to read. You see, I was not a natural reader either. I harbor in my heart the belief that I have a mild, undiagnosed case of dyslexia that is most prominently evidenced in my inability to spell.
But, I love to read.
I spend hours curled up with a book lost in imaginary worlds.
And I love to write.
My life is really something of a paradox.
I am rarely lonely unless I am in a crowd.
I love to travel but I hate to drive.
I love pretty things, beautiful girly paper, feathers and pink shoes. But I rarely wear make-up, or buy myself clothes.
I think I am both prettier and uglier than I really am.
I spend my life in my head. But I love to look outward, observing raindrops on playground equipment or the bright yellow of fall leaves against a deep green evergreen.
I have an artist soul, but I can not draw, or paint or chisel out a likeness of man from a hunk of stone.
I am feeling melancholy, but not sad. This rainy, fall days brings to mind the changing of the seasons and the circle of life.
Love these! Wow!! I've been taking a TON too...but I'm loving it! Gorgeous photos!
Nice composition! Love the B&W
These photos are beautiful and I am in awe of your entry today. WOW!
Love them both but particularly the b & w - something about it.
I love the water detail on the leaf in the first one and the composition in the second is interesting with the lines all intersecting! Great photos!
WOW!! Those are great!! Love the rain drops!! I love it when it rains!!!
your gift of writing is obvious - no matter the occasional spelling error - you words have true beauty in them! love the photos!
love the b&w! very artistic.
beautiful and introspective...well done! the photos were gorgeous too. thank you for sharing.
Wonderful photos! Love the droplets on the leaf. You write very well too. Great combo!
great photos, and I love what you wrote:)
This entry is beautiful!
Very pretty.
Love the first photo - the drops of water, the color. Wonderful. I must agree with Cindy, you defintely have a gift with words. I feel the same way about myself a lot of the time.
Your photography is just wonderful. So many great ideas here... thank you for the inspiration!
And kudos to you for volunteering to read with that girl! I too volunteered for the first time at my son's school last week... I read with a boy in grade 3. He was a very bright boy with a wonderful imagination and loads of information stuffed into his head, but he struggled to sound out the words and read out loud to me. I hope you and I can both help our hesitant readers along. :)
OH wow, these shot are AMAZING!!!!!!!!
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