Sunday, June 25, 2006

(un)Flattering photo of SLC sis

I had a house full of folks here for a cookout last night.
The guest list included my DH ~ the cook
My two DSs
My SLC sister
Her husband
Her son
two of her four daughters
A nephew on her husband's side
A golden retriever puppy
My oldest Sister
Her husband
and my mother.
While we were visiting and I was taking photos, my SLC sister said she has been reading my blog, but not commenting. She also said she wanted to have a blog about her one day. So here it is, sis, you are the subject of the blog.

She has four daughters and one son. (The son is the oldest) This is her third daughter.
Here is the youngest daughter. She just graduated from high school and will be attending college next year. Her eyes are not really quite that blue, but they are very pretty,
The puppy was a little sweetheart. Our cat was not amused.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, we all know much more about SLC sis now than we did before. She has 2 cute daughters and the only acceptable species of puppy in the puppy kingdom.
I hope you all had a good time, except the cat (of course). Nothing like a cookout to bring out the crazies! (snide sister smirk)